Cremello with highgloss-gen, 160 cm
Neon was born on 30.3.2002 in the Czech Republic. He is a cremello, has a pearl-colored coat with a silver, somehow metallic sheen and white mane and tale. His eyes and skin are not pigmented, therefore he has pink skin and blue eyes. He has four similar white stockings and a very wide blaze with muzzle. His blue eyes and pink skin are a bit more sensitive to sun exposure than with a pigmented horse. In summer he is happy to spend time underneath the trees.
He has three correct, extensive and energetic gaits and a very good conformation, perfect legs with strong, evenly growing hooves.
All his offspring have a diluted coat color: Palomino, Buckskin or Smoky Black, but also Cremello, Perlino or Smoky Cream (if the mares are diluted) are possible.
Neon passed his licensing on 28.8.2005 in Switzerland with the Pinto Breeding Association and became the reserve winner with an average of 8.2. He was the first Cremello-Warmblood licensed for Switzerland!
He got 5 times a 9 and one 8 for his conformation (!), 8 for the walk, trott, free jumping and correctness of the gaits and a 7 for his canter:
Neon passed his licensing with the Special Color Switzerland (SCS) and also the stallion performance test in fall 2008. For his conformation he became the over all mark 8, for the first part of the performance test (a trail test in hand) 8.86 and for the dressage 7.0. He got a 10 for his character. His over all mark: 7.93.
Licensing and performance test can be repeated as often as you want with the SCS. I showed Neon three times.
In 2009 he left as the winner of the show with a total of 8.05 (10 for character, 10 for free jumping).
2010 his total for the conformation was 8.97, the stallion performance test resulted in an average of 6.48.
After those three licensings he became a SCS-Champion.
What color could a Neon’s foal get?
Depending on the genetic of the mare, who also could be tested to know more precisely, those colors are possible with the following percentual probability:
Neon’s genetic color formula is eeAaCrCr. This means he is able to produce all three basic coat colors and they will always be deluted.
Neon’s character is almost stoic. He never gets upset or nervous. His start under saddle was no problem and I rode him exclusively on trails, in the village, through traffic and usually together with mares. Already in his first ridden winter he was so nice that beginners could ride him on trail rides in the snow! He is easy to ride, willing and on light aids, calm in traffic and at shows. Neon never gave a reason to feel ashamed having a stallion! We went a lot to different exhibitions, clinics, shows and he always knew how to behave perfectly.
He shows his ability in free jumping over 1.60 m and has a very good style. Neon equally likes natural jumps like trees, creeks, trenches….
Since March 2007 he is also trained in show jumping:
I ride him mainly in the english style, dressage up to second level, show jumping at 1.00 m (I fear higher hights, also my horses would jump easely and safely 1.30 m or more), a lot of trail rides and very seldom in western style.
Every now and then we work on circus lessons:
Neon is trained in driving too. He pulls a carriage or a sulky and sometimes he helps pulling out cut or fallen trees where the tractor can’t go.
The breeding fee for Neon is Euro 500.-. He is only available through frozen semen in Switzerland, as he lives with us in Canada and became a gelding due to the strict import requirements he would have had to endure as a stallion. Neon has his own homepage, it is in german though, but you will find a lot of pictures of him and his offspring.